Everytime I visit this website, I'm reminded of the time you stumbled onto it by accident while typing in my current blog. I still miss you for all the things that made you unique and whatnot and I'm not really ashamed that I feel this way.
This is kind of pathetic.
I feel like writing stuff again. Things that make sense. Things that aren't just for vanity. My current Blog feels like something I write in just to impress people with. I want this secret blog (or not so secret) to be something I use to send my message out into the void.
Here's the most recent thing I wrote. An ode to your smile.
lips, tucked like
protective lovebirds
nestling silently -
and all the while through the day
I couldn't help myself
i could feel feathers
lightly brushing against my cheeks,
evoking a smile to match yours
I was angry at you that day. I tried to give you the cold shoulder, but it wouldn't bite. What chance did I have when you knew exactly what to do to get on my good side?